
Showing posts from July, 2018

The Conventional and Upcoming – A look into the Contemporary Mainstream Media and Future Virtual RealityS

Srushti Imx Carriers of Digital Content The vast world of digital media resides happily in our pocket today. Through numerous applications, imageries, video, mp3 and other files stored on our smartphone, all of us have become carriers of the digital media. Even a television has become something that we can easily take out of our pouch. Now, that little device in our pocket has a brand new companion which promises to nourish our experience with the digital world – The Head Mounted Displays. It is expected that over 200 million VR headsets will be sold worldwide by the year 2020. If that happens,  Virtual Reality  is bound to get mainstream and accessing digital content will step into a whole new arena. Considering the present scenario, let us take a look at how contemporary  mainstream media  fares with Virtual Reality.........[ Read more ]

5 Amazing Advantages of Virtual Reality in Data Visualization

Do you know what the 21st century runs on? Data… Loads and loads of them. From cell phone GPS signals to sensors used in collecting shopper information, census data, social media posts, digital photos and videos, our very existence is surrounded by data. According to Domo, the famous American Software Company, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated on the Internet every single day! And as data continue to pile up, the need for a powerful tool to help us digest and make sense of them become extremely important. This is where data visualization comes in. And with  virtual reality  on the rise, big data visualization is in for a pathbreaking revolution.........[ Read more ]

Pre Visualization – The best examples from Hollywood!

Srushti Vfx Nobody needs to be told the importance of preparation than a filmmaker . Interestingly, the great filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock himself once said that if he were to run a film school, he will not allow the students to go near a camera for the first two years! Now, that speaks volumes about the kind of knowledge and preparations a filmmaker needs to have. It is no surprise that smart modern day filmmakers who dwell in complex visuals and scenarios invest a lot of time and effort into  pre-production . And one such pre-production technique that helps you keep a firm grip on complicated sequences is nothing but pre-visualization...........[ Read more ]