
The Conventional and Upcoming – A look into the Contemporary Mainstream Media and Future Virtual RealityS

Srushti Imx Carriers of Digital Content The vast world of digital media resides happily in our pocket today. Through numerous applications, imageries, video, mp3 and other files stored on our smartphone, all of us have become carriers of the digital media. Even a television has become something that we can easily take out of our pouch. Now, that little device in our pocket has a brand new companion which promises to nourish our experience with the digital world – The Head Mounted Displays. It is expected that over 200 million VR headsets will be sold worldwide by the year 2020. If that happens,  Virtual Reality  is bound to get mainstream and accessing digital content will step into a whole new arena. Considering the present scenario, let us take a look at how contemporary  mainstream media  fares with Virtual Reality.........[ Read more ]

5 Amazing Advantages of Virtual Reality in Data Visualization

Do you know what the 21st century runs on? Data… Loads and loads of them. From cell phone GPS signals to sensors used in collecting shopper information, census data, social media posts, digital photos and videos, our very existence is surrounded by data. According to Domo, the famous American Software Company, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated on the Internet every single day! And as data continue to pile up, the need for a powerful tool to help us digest and make sense of them become extremely important. This is where data visualization comes in. And with  virtual reality  on the rise, big data visualization is in for a pathbreaking revolution.........[ Read more ]

Pre Visualization – The best examples from Hollywood!

Srushti Vfx Nobody needs to be told the importance of preparation than a filmmaker . Interestingly, the great filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock himself once said that if he were to run a film school, he will not allow the students to go near a camera for the first two years! Now, that speaks volumes about the kind of knowledge and preparations a filmmaker needs to have. It is no surprise that smart modern day filmmakers who dwell in complex visuals and scenarios invest a lot of time and effort into  pre-production . And one such pre-production technique that helps you keep a firm grip on complicated sequences is nothing but pre-visualization...........[ Read more ]

‘Map of the Internet’ – An app powered by 3D Visualization that will change the way you understand the Internet!

SrushtiViz Cogeco Peer 1 , Canada based IT Service Management Company, has announced an update for its most famous ‘ Map of the Internet ’ App. The latest update features a 3D visualization of worldwide networks and how they are connected. This powerful educational tool has been designed to assist anyone with a sense of curiosity about how the Internet actually looks like. The app takes you around the evolution of the Internet and brings to life every network worldwide that have been interconnected to form the magic called the Internet. Users can easily search around companies, domains, and other details to quickly explore the contributors who have made the Internet what it is today. That means it is as simple as that to identify where Google or Facebook are located on the Internet and how do they make a difference!..........[ Read more ]

How Augmented Reality is Going to Change the World

Scientific progressions have led to the creation of technologies that will have us questioning reality. One of those enigmatic technologies is  Augmented Reality  or AR. Augmented Reality is a perspective concept that holds abundant possibilities that can change the way the world perceives technology. Srushti Imx What is Augmented Reality? Artificial Intelligence  (AI)  seeks to enhance the standard of living with the help of technology. The concept of Augmented Reality, which stands as a fine line between virtual space and reality is a breathtaking concept that will leave you filled with awe. Augmented reality upgrades what we perceive as reality. This perceived ‘real world’ will consist of digital units or components. AR uses projectors specifically designed for the purpose of screening their unique content. And unlike the normal projections, those in AR are three-dimensional in nature. They have a shape, form, and vibrancy to them. They are moving pictures or videos wh

How an entire movie is made before nearing a camera! The power of Pre-Production

Srushti Vfx Antoine de Saint  – Exupery, a French writer, and a journalist once said: “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. Perhaps there is no other quality around which so many principles and theories have originated. There are even hundreds of books written to help you plan better. From rulers to corporate tycoons and common men, everyone needs planning. It is only fair to say there cannot be a human being who has not planned anything in life. And if you want to know the adverse effects of lack of planning, try looking at a filmmaker who didn’t give proper attention to pre-production!       A film production mainly consists of three stages.  Pre Production ,  Production  and  Post Production . In short, pre-production is where preparations are made for the shoot. Production is where raw elements are recorded and post-production is where the images, sound and other effects of the recorded film are edited. Making a good film is no mean task and every genius filmmaker mainta

What is Holographic 3D?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But when a picture is more than a visual, it becomes an experience worth a million! Such is the beauty of 3D images. And a technique called Holography further enhances it. We’ll tell you how? Holography makes it is possible to reconstruct 3D images using holograms. SrushtiImx A hologram is the recording then reconstruction of all the light-field information of an object. In other words, if you take the object you want to display, illuminate it with a laser, and interfere this scattered light with another laser, a recording of this pattern created is the hologram. Whereas capturing the amplitude, phase, and wavelength information of the object is called Holography. Even though it was invented over 70 years ago, holography remains the best candidate for achieving true 3D displays......[ Know more ]